DLBCL: Current management of R/R and newly diagnosed disease

This patient case series has been developed with the assistance of Dr. Nicholas Forward (Hematologist and Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology and Hematologic Oncology, Dalhousie University & Nova Scotia Health, Halifax, NS, Canada). This activity was made possible through support provided by Hoffmann-La Roche Limited.

The information presented is not intended as medical advice. Responsibility for patient care resides with the healthcare professional on the basis of their professional licence, experience and knowledge of the individual patient.

After completing this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Provide an overview of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnostic approach to DLBCL.

  • Establish patient eligibility for specific treatments such as high-dose chemotherapy, CAR-T therapies, and ASCT treatment, highlighting patient-, disease- and provider-related factors that may affect eligibility and (early) referral.

  • Outline the different currently available therapies for patients with DLBCL in Canada with regards to first-line treatment and R/R DLBCL.

  • Present key drug efficacy/safety data from relevant clinical studies.

  • List key toxicities that may be associated with DLBCL therapies, how they might present, and how they should best be mitigated/managed.

  • Explore future directions in the management of lymphoma.

This activity contains scientific information about compounds and uses that are investigational and have not been authorized for sale by Health Canada. Efficacy and safety have not been established. The views and opinions discussed during this activity are solely those of the physician author and not of the program’s sponsor, Hoffmann-La Roche Limited.

For full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events, please refer to the approved product labelling. Please note that products may have different labelling according to geographical location; within Canada, full prescribing information is available from Health Canada.

All characters and events depicted in this patient case simulation are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This activity is intended only for healthcare professionals registered to practise in Canada. To proceed, please confirm that you are a healthcare professional practising in Canada.

Activity launch date: November 2023.


  • A 74-year-old man with R/R DLBCL

  • A 63-year-old woman with newly diagnosed DLBCL


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